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Song Title |
Living Still |
Into The Light |
I’d Be Lying |
This Is Love |
Sowing Seeds |
a long time ago
they thought that they had put You in Your grave
and sealed You in
they didn't know
in just three days the Son would surely rise
to live again
And I'm not gonna turn my back on
The one thing that I can count on
Please help me find Your perfect will
Oh Lord please let my life be
A light that others might see
The proof that You are living still
my back was turned
my life was about as cold as cold could get
but You still burned
bright enough to see
the loving Saviour there in front of me
bright enough to learn
every nerve
and every bone and muscle that I call me
struggles to live
amid the fear
i've discovered a new love dwelling within
thats mine to give
© 2000, Doug Harsch
stranger than fiction
stranger than life
halfway to hopeless
when I realized
that Your love was calling me forward
into the light
deep as the darkness
in the pit of my soul
and silently stirring
beyond my control
like a thought You quietly whispered
take my hand and come follow me forward
into the light
and as I trembled praying
every burden I carried
in the peace of that moment
drifted away
this is the Savior
that I know so well
and these are the stories
that I long to tell
of His kindness everlasting
and His peace that's past understanding
and His love that keeps calling me forward
into the light
© 2000, Doug Harsch
Lately I’ve been thinking about all the things that people
The many ways they try to minimize the sacrifice that has washed my sins away
(But) And if I tried to deny
What I’ve seen with my own eyes
I’d be lying
I’ve heard it said that my God is dead and just the crutch on which I depend
But I’m here to say this sinner is dancing today all because of my Good Friend
Since those days when I was lost
I’ve been counting up costs
I’m ready to pick up this cross
And follow you
They’ve tried to tell me He was only a man and His words of no avail
But through His death He has proven to the world that His true love will not
© 1998, Doug Harsch
A wicked world of hate, drowned in unbelief
A prideful people turned away
And still He sent His own Beloved Son to die
So that His life might light the way
Hallelujah, this is love
Hallelujah, sing because
The loving grace of God
Was sent from up above
This is love
A selfish life of pain, focused on myself
A faithless follower of desires every whim
And still with tender mercy He brought me to my knees
Pierced this callous heart, and called me to this new life in Him
If you’re seeking evidence
Call His Name with confidence
Let your pain be washed away
And with these newfound words of joy you will say
© 1997, Doug Harsch
As we walk together through this life hand-in-hand
There's a deeper mystery for our hearts to comprehend
How the grace of God can flow through people just like us
To anyone among us who is reaching out in trust -- And
If we learn to live our lives
at the point of those in need
with every act of love
we’re sowing seeds
We’ve been promised streets of gold and mansions in the sky
Where every tear is wiped away and hope will never die
We have a loving Savior who has called Himself the Truth
Who lived and died and rose again to offer us the proof -- That
And though some seeds may fall on stone
While others fall on fertile ground
It’s for the Lord alone to know
The place and time that they will grow
The call goes out to every heart and soul with ears to hear
When we sow the seeds of love His Kingdom draws more near
Very soon He’s coming back to the fields we have known
To gather up the harvest where His laborers have sown – And…
© 1999, Doug Harsch